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Godparents Foundation
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 :Amount Raised
 :Amount Remaining
Unique ID67
DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)7/1/1995
Age (Yrs)14
StateTamil Nadu
About meIndhumathi is the daughter of Mrs.Muthulakshmi and Mr.Rajamanikam.Rajamanikam is an arrogant person. Every day he tortured Muthulakshmi and indulged in violence. So Muthulakshmi came to her mother’s home and lives with her mother. She also has another child named Kavin Kumar. After a few months of stay in her mother’s place, she told her mother that she is going to her husband’s house in Dindigul and went away. After one month her mother visited Dindigul to see her, she was not there. Her husband has been spreading rumours that she had an illegal affair and ran away. Not believing his words, Muthulakshmi mother gave a complaint to the police that their daughter is missing and took Indhumathi with her. Kavin Kumar is with his father. They couldn’t find out the where abouts of Muthulakshmi. Indhumathi grandmother Vijaya is a daily labour and she is not able to take care of Indhumathi.Her father is not willing to keep Indhumathi because she is a girl child.
UpdatesAfter having received the donation, the family’s troubles have greatly reduced. Her mother and indhumathi are grateful to the donors. In the Annual exams she has secured the following marks: Tamil 72, English 77, Maths 78, Science 62, Social Science 80.
Father's NameRajamanikkam
Father's OccupationDaily Labour
Mother's NameMuthulakshmi
Mother's OccupationServent maid
Annual Family Income (Rs)26000
Necessities/ Break-upSchool fees (Approx Rs.500), Coaching Class (Approx Rs.750), School Material (Approx Rs.800) Uniforms (Approx Rs.700)
Amount required (Rs)2750
Amount Raised (Rs)2750
Amount Remaining (Rs)0
Education completed8th
 New Life
Caretaking NGONew Life
Year2009 - 2010

My Godparents
Details FullNameStateCountryContribution (Rs)
DetailsAbhishek TewariUPIndia 1000
DetailsShivam SrivastavaUPIndia 1000
DetailsMohammad Asif KhanUttar PradeshIndia 750